JOD Engineering

What’s new at JOD Engineering

What’s new in the world of JOD? We spoke to JOD founder and Managing Director John to find out. Here’s the latest, from news on the growing team to the most satisfying thing about working at JOD Engineering.  

Can you tell us a little about what JOD Engineering does day-to-day? 

It’s a bit like an iceberg. What people see is the activity in our workshop or on a client’s site. What they don’t see is the great deal of preparation and planning it takes to enable the work to take place safely.   

This spans initial estimations through to design and procurement, as well as writing risk assessments and method statements, liaising, and gaining approvals, all the way to closing the job out when the client pays the final invoice.  


Do you have any new team news to share? 

The business is growing, and we welcomed Alan Wilkinson to the team in March. Alan’s background is in the mechanical services sector. He’s settling in well and quickly becoming familiar with the works JOD carries out, both on-site and in the workshop.  


Do you have anything new planned in relation to the Easi-Lok secure access covers? 

We received confirmation from the Building Research Establishment (BRE) that our dual skin covers met the certification requirements. Various new developments are in the pipeline, so watch this space. 


Are you still working towards becoming ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 certified? What do these certifications mean for the business?  

Most definitely. We had the initial Stage 1 external audit of the Integrated Management System (IMS) at the start of March. This stage 1 audit focused on assessing our readiness for the full audit. We’re pleased to say that the Stage 1 audit outcome was satisfactory, and we’re looking forward to the Stage 2 audit at the beginning of May.  

After that, we have our annual ISO 9001 surveillance audit in early June. If all the outcomes come back as satisfactory then we will have achieved our objective of developing and implementing the JOD Integrated Management System.  


What’s the best part of the job? 

The range and variety of the jobs and problems we’re asked to tackle is huge – and developing bespoke solutions is both challenging and enjoyable. Seeing the solutions materialise and be implemented by the great team at JOD is very satisfying. 

Do you have an engineering problem that needs a solution? Why not see if the team at JOD can help? Get in touch for a chat. 
